Signature Sponsor
SME Ground Control in Mining Meeting, July 24-27, 2017



June 14, 2017 - Ground control experts from around the world will convene at the Lakeview Resort and Conference Center in Morgantown, WV, for the 36th Annual International Conference on Ground Control in Mining. This unique conference reflects on the amazing journey of underground mining, recognizing the appropriate and lasting solutions that have impacted and will continue to impact the industry. 

ICGCM will feature three days of technical presentations on the latest advances in ground control approaches for mining operations. Subject matter will include: 

Extreme Ground Conditions – Dynamic Collapse, Bumps and Rockbursts

Mine Case Histories

In-situ Stress and Global Stability

Numerical Modeling Applications in Ground Control

Fundamental Ground Control Studies

Rockmass Support Performance

New Ground Control Products and Equipment Development

Ground Instrumentation and Monitoring Studies

Subsurface Subsidence 


ICGCM provides an open forum designed to encourage discussion and deliberation through the distribution of peer-reviewed papers presented by industry experts. Ground control professionals in academia, consulting, government regulation, manufacturing, mine operation and research, need to attend this technical conference and continue to improve the solutions in ground control in mining. Register today at or by contacting, and help to advance ground control science with communication, debate and action.