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Trump: America Is ‘Blessed’ With ‘250 Years Worth Of Beautiful Coal’



By Tim Pearce

May 19, 2018 - President Donald Trump praised coal Friday evening, renewing his commitment to “energy dominance” and the United States’ vast coal resources.

Trump’s administration has steadily rolled back regulations burying the coal industry under bureaucratic red tape and high standards, such as the Clean Power Plan. 

“America is blessed with extraordinary energy abundance, including more than 250 years worth of beautiful clean coal,” Trump tweeted Friday. “We have ended the war on coal and will continue to work to promote American energy dominance!”


One of Trump’s core campaign promises was to revive a struggling coal industry. Coal has faced stiff competition from other energy sources — mainly natural gas. Regulations implemented under former-President Barack Obama hastened that demise, however. Trump’s “energy dominance” strategy has focused on rolling back those regulations while giving diverse energy resources the room to compete. - Your Foremost Source for Coal News