Signature Sponsor
Support the Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary's Giving Hearts' Christmas Program



Merry Christmas.

Wait... No?

Oh, don't be "cold hearted" be "coal hearted"!



The last year and a half have had life consequently different than we have ever experienced in our lifetime.  During this same period of time coal has taken a big hit from political venues and environmentalist.  More than ever coal needs to be presented as the beneficial resource it is in helping to keep America independent.

More than ever a positive, endearing attitude towards coal is imperative.  The Friends of Coal Ladies Auxiliary has always presented coal people as hard working, caring individuals who give where and when needed.  These ladies have supported veterans, youth, the underprivileged, the hungry, education and have displayed empathy with their many projects throughout the last fifteen years.  This “caring” continued even through the pandemic by helping essential workers, the homeless, veterans, deployed military and giving scholastic support to many others.  Our message of giving now resonates not only in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Ohio but throughout the entire world.  We need monetary support from coal caring people and businesses to continue our “Giving Hearts” Christmas program in which food, clothing and toys are distributed to the less fortunate, and to families of deployed military families.  Please open your heart and help us with another “coal hearted” program.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God Bless.