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Direct Air Capture Pre-Commercial Prizes Officially Launch: Now Accepting Submissions


March 14, 2023 - The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management has opened applications for two Direct Air Capture (DAC) Prizes, awarding up to $7.7 million in cash prizes and technical assistance across both challenges. Together, the prizes advance technological innovation in the direct air capture industry and help achieve emissions reduction targets.

  • The DAC Pre-Commercial Energy Program for Innovation Clusters Prize, offering up to $3.7 million in cash prizes, is open to incubators and accelerators with impactful ideas to develop resources for energy startups and direct air capture entrepreneurs.
  • The DAC Pre-Commercial Technology Prize, offering up to $4 million in cash prizes and technical assistance, is accepting applications for innovative, scalable technology solutions that address critical needs in the direct air capture industry.

Visit the American-Made Challenges website to learn more about the DAC Prizes suite and how to apply.