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The U.S. Must Utilize all its Natural Resources, Including its Abundant Coal Reserves, to Remain an Economic Power House, says Michelle Manook



August 13, 2024 - The Bluefield Coal Symposium Day 2 began with a major Keynote Address Coal the Missing Piece in the Energy Puzzle - Why the U.S. Must Maximize its Potential passionately presented by Michelle Manook, Chief Executive Officer of FututureCoal, formerly the World Coal Association.

Michelle Manook

“The adoption of FutureCoal’s Sustainable Stewardship blueprint, emphasizes how a coal circular economy can unlock coal’s full potential and drive home long-term prosperity,” said Manook. “Since 2019, I’ve maintained that an effective energy transition shouldn’t merely replace one fuel for another, but instead, new alternatives must integrate with existing coal fleets to create a robust energy foundation. Nations must harness their natural resources responsibly and sustainably.”

For the U.S. with its 400 years of abundant coal reserves, this means fully utilizing its reserves for a balanced and resilient energy strategy, she said.

Five years on, this year, Manook rebranded the World Coal Association to FutureCoal – The Global Alliance for Sustainable Coal, transforming the debate from one that seeks to eliminate coal to one that sees it as a resource that delivers increased prosperity, but in new innovative ways..

“We focus on creating wealth, uncovering new opportunities, maximizing the value of each ton of coal, and reducing as well as reusing waste throughout the entire value chain, Manook said.

Today, retirement dates for America’s coal fleets are being postponed as concerns over grid reliability and rising electricity demand may force operations to keep capacity online. By 2030, some 54 gigawatts of U.S. coal-powered capacity is expected to end their economic lives, or 4% of total electricity. This represents a reduction of 40% of previous forecasts in light of major concerns over energy reliability.

Manook turned to coal emission reduction technology around the world where visionary nations and corporations are advancing coal emission abatement technologies including the U.S. Coal gasification is becoming a success story in China, which is producing clean hydrogen and the world’s largest facility in Yulin produces 350,000 tonnes of hydrogen each year. In India, the government has announced over $1 billion in coal gasificaion investments to create synthetic natural gas and chemicals.

“The opportunities are endless, said Manook. “The potential, the will, the talent and the resources are here. The U.S. must utilize all its natural resources, including its abundant coal reserves, to remain an economic power house.”

The Symposium has the theme Using U.S. Coal for a Better America and this national event is jointly presented by the Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias and 


Chuck Mathena Center


The Symposium includes entertainment and CONSOL Energy Chairman and CEO Jimmy Brock’s address last evening was followed by a special live performance by Twitty and Lynn: A Salute to Conway & Loretta.

Jimmy Brock 


Twitty and Lynn