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MSHA Mine Blasting Safety and Application Seminar



November 18, 2024 - This tuition-free seminar is for mining company managers, blasting engineers, blasters, and others involved with the planning, design, and use of explo­sives in the mining industry.

The most recent innovations in drilling and blast­ing design technology will be addressed, along with specific blasting applications, up-to-date blasting regulations, and blasting related information from recognized experts. Presenters are drawn from manu­facturers of explosives and accessories, blasting con­sultants, design experts, and government agencies. Examples of topics include:

  • Safety in storage, transportation, and use of explosives, and how to recognize and prevent malfunctions.
  • Blasting design technology.
  • Safe blasting practices.
  • Drilling design.
  • The use of seismology in blasting applications.
  • Electronic initiation systems.
  • Flyrock.
  • Construction blasting.
  • Vibration control.

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