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CONSOL Coal Resources Given Daily News Impact Rating of 0.10



September 8, 2018 - News articles about CONSOL Coal Resources (NYSE:CCR) have trended somewhat positive recently, according to Accern Sentiment Analysis. The research group identifies positive and negative news coverage by reviewing more than 20 million news and blog sources in real-time. Accern ranks coverage of companies on a scale of negative one to one, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. CONSOL Coal Resources earned a news sentiment score of 0.10 on Accern’s scale. Accern also gave news articles about the energy company an impact score of 47.5335983948445 out of 100, indicating that recent news coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an impact on the stock’s share price in the near future.


CONSOL Coal Resources stock traded down $0.50 during midday trading on Friday, hitting $18.20. 45,313 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 32,633. The firm has a market capitalization of $520.07 million, a PE ratio of 12.47 and a beta of 1.42. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.74, a quick ratio of 0.44 and a current ratio of 0.61. CONSOL Coal Resources has a fifty-two week low of $12.56 and a fifty-two week high of $19.16.

CONSOL Coal Resources (NYSE:CCR) last released its quarterly earnings results on Thursday, August 2nd. The energy company reported $0.69 EPS for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of $0.60 by $0.09. The firm had revenue of $98.06 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $97.65 million. CONSOL Coal Resources had a return on equity of 27.24% and a net margin of 15.25%. analysts forecast that CONSOL Coal Resources will post 2.3 earnings per share for the current fiscal year.

The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Wednesday, August 15th. Investors of record on Wednesday, August 8th were given a dividend of $0.5125 per share. The ex-dividend date was Tuesday, August 7th. This is a positive change from CONSOL Coal Resources’s previous quarterly dividend of $0.51. This represents a $2.05 annualized dividend and a yield of 11.26%. CONSOL Coal Resources’s payout ratio is 140.41%.


A number of research analysts have recently weighed in on the company. ValuEngine upgraded CONSOL Coal Resources from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research report on Tuesday. Citigroup raised their price target on CONSOL Coal Resources from $15.00 to $16.00 and gave the company a “neutral” rating in a research report on Tuesday, July 31st. Zacks Investment Research upgraded CONSOL Coal Resources from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $17.00 price target for the company in a research report on Wednesday, July 18th. B. Riley lifted their price objective on CONSOL Coal Resources from $21.00 to $22.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research report on Tuesday, July 10th. Finally, TheStreet upgraded CONSOL Coal Resources from a “c-” rating to a “b” rating in a report on Monday, July 2nd. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has assigned a hold rating and five have given a buy rating to the company. The company presently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $20.20.