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By Craig Rucker 


February 21, 2019 - Left unchecked, Green campaigners would drag civilization back to a deadlier and dirtier time.

When she first rolled our her Green New Deal, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted accompanying details online that reveal just how reckless and naively-destructive her plan is.  She initially proposed shutting off our main sources of energy in 10-12 years.  The resulting havoc would make Venezuela look like Elysium.

In true Orwellian-fashion "AOC's" details suddenly disappeared from her website, and are being replaced with happier-sounding, vaguer platitudes.  Ask any trial lawyer or judge and they will tell you that the earlier the account, the more truthful it tends to be.  The Green New Dealer's revealed their true thoughts at the beginning.  We should hold them to it.

CFACT senior policy advisor Paul Driessen writes at



When asked whether implementing her GND would require “massive government intervention,” she replied: “It does. Yeah. I have no problem saying that.” Moreover, she added, we shouldn’t point fingers and say China or India or Russia isn’t doing anything like this. We shouldn’t “hold ourselves to a lower bar.” We should “choose to lead” the world in this transition.




Lead the world in economic suicide, environmental degradation, plummeting living standards, shorter life spans and societal upheaval would be a more accurate description of her GND. 

We also should not forget just how dirty Green tech really is.

Ron Stein explains at



One of the reasons China could sell lithium so cheaply is because it widely ignores environmental safeguards during the mining process.




In the Bayan Obo region of China, for example, miners remove topsoil and extract the gold-flecked metals using acids that enter the groundwater, destroying nearby agricultural land. Even the normally tight-lipped Chinese government has admitted to rare earth mining abuses.

Driessen wants our would-be Green masters to fess up:

They need to tell us what resources will be required … how and where they will get them … how this scheme will work. That’s not likely to happen – because they don’t have a clue, and don’t care. They also can’t prove climate fluctuations and weather events are unprecedented and caused by fossil fuels. 

If the media were doing its job, it would demand the Green New Dealers do the math and prove their case. 


Don't hold your (CO2-laden) breath.