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EIA Launches Redesigned Hourly Electric Grid Monitor With New Data and Functionality



August 21, 2019 - Today, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) launches a beta release of its new Hourly Electric Grid Monitor, a redesigned and enhanced version of EIA’s existing U.S. Electric System Operating Data website.

The data for the Hourly Electric Grid Monitor come from the Form EIA-930, Hourly and Daily Balancing Authority Operations Report, which collects hourly electricity demand, forecast demand, net generation, and interchange data from the 65 electricity balancing authorities that operate the electric grid in the Lower 48 states.

The Hourly Electric Grid Monitor incorporates two new data elements: hourly electricity generation by energy source and hourly subregional demand. The new website also provides new and more flexible options for visualizing the data and allows users to create custom dashboards that can be saved and shared.

EIA welcomes feedback about the new Hourly Electric Grid Monitor. Users can submit comments through the contact form at the top of each page on the website. EIA’s existing U.S. Electric System Operating Data website will remain available during the beta release.

You can find more information about this release in today’s Today in Energy article.