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UMWA Contract Negotiations With Warrior Met Ongoing



March 18, 2021 - The United Mine Workers of America’s (UMWA) negotiations with Warrior Met Coal, Inc., are entering the last two weeks before the expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement. The current agreement, which was negotiated as Warrior Met emerged from the bankruptcy proceedings of the former Walter Energy, will expire at midnight on April 1, 2021.

“We are working to reach a fair and equitable agreement that recognizes the hard work and significant sacrifices our members at Warrior Met made to save this company and these jobs,” UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts said. “Because of their productivity, these professional, experienced miners have brought the company out of bankruptcy and made Warrior Met the successful company it is today.”

The UMWA represents more than 1,100 workers at Warrior Met’s #4 Mine, #5 Mine processing plant, #7 Mine and the company’s Central Shop, all located near Brookwood, Ala. The miners are members of UMWA Local Unions 2245, 2397, 2368 and 2427.