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National Mine Rescue Association's Annual Business Meeting Minutes


1.0         10:00AM Call to Order/ Welcome:  Wes Kenneweg, President, called the meeting to order.


Those in attendance were:

Wes Kenneweg-President NMRA

Linda Chasko- 1st  VP   NIOSH (by Phone)

Dustin Mowery- 2nd VP    PA Bureau of Mine Safety

Chris Melvin- Sec/Treasurer   Premier Safety

Dan Alexander

Joe Sbaffoni

Jeff Kravitz-HMRA

Chuck Edwards- CSE

John Kovac- Veterans of Mine Rescue



2.0         Reading of the minutes: Meeting Minutes from the last Annual Meeting in 2019 were reviewed and approved.


3.0         Committee Reports:

         3.1   Treasurer’s Report as of 8 November 2019

Balances 8 November 2019 Checking $4,899.88/CD $10,672.43

Balances 1 November 2021 Checking $4,147.55/CD $10,866.26               

      Income 2020/2021- Member Dues $59.00/ Post 7 Dues $48.00………Total $107.00

      Income 2020/2021- Cap Sales 50/50 Drawings $0.00

      Expenses 2022/2021- Plaques $333.60/Food College MR $500/Shipping $25.73……Total $859.33

            CAP Inventory 11

CD was renewed at PNC Bank in October for 8 months/Interest increased from 0.02 to 0.05 %.

      Finances read and approved by voice vote.


3.2    Membership Committee- Nothing to report




3.3    Nominating Committee- Motions were made and carried for Officers to remain unchanged for 2021 Officers:

President Wes Kenneweg

1st VP Linda Chasko-Niosh

2nd VP Dustin Mowery-Pa Bureau of Mine Safety

Sec/Treasury Chris Melvin-Premier Safety

Chaplain Ed Zeglen- GMS


  Motions were seconded and approved by voice vote.


3.4     Board of Directors- A list of current NMRA Board Members was presented.


4.0     Reflections-The recent passing of Dave Mahlke and Danny Knott were mentioned. Both were longtime supporters of Mine Rescue.


5.0    Mine Rescue Contest Update for 2021- The information is attached to the Minutes.


6.0     Post Reports-

Post 1- No Report

Post 2- 2021 Bench Contest Results presented along with list of officers for 2022.

Post 3- 2022 Contest in Cadiz, Ohio scheduled for 23-27 May and a MRED is planned for October, also in Cadiz. Detroit Salt has asked to join Post 3.

Post 5- Post is waiting for final date for Nationals before selecting date for their 2022 Contest.

Post 6- Next meeting is 16 November at Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources in Cadiz.

Post 7- 2021 annual meeting will be remote in November or December.                                                                                                                            

Post 8- Not Active.

Post 9- No report.

Post 11- No report.

Kansas Mine Rescue Assoc.- Annual meeting to be held end of November.

SWRMRA- No report.


NMRA Membership- Numbers from 2019 for NMRA Membership were presented. Estimate was +800 members including the NMRA organization and the Posts.


Post Contact List to be updated by early 2022.


7.0    College Mine Rescue-

             Spring Contest- Held remotely with Teams from University of KY and WVU. Winner was WVU Gold Team.

             Fall Contest- to be held 6 November 2021 at Running Right Training Academy with teams from

 U-KY, WVU and Virginia Tech. NMRA donated $500.00 for food costs.


8.0     Mine Rescue Team Inventory- NMRA did a survey in early 2020 of the number of Mine Rescue Teams by State. The survey showed there were 125 Coal Teams and 137 MNM Teams. The detailed graphs of Teams by State are available by request to NMRA. 



9.0      Mine Rescue Day 2021- There was no formal announcement by MSHA regarding Mine Rescue Day October 30th as has happened in the past years. They did print a 1 page photo flyer which can be seen at


10.0   Old Business

10.1  Web- NMRA will retain the website in conjunction with SME/PCMIA under the domain. Mike Brnich is assisting with web page.

10.2  Facebook- Linda Chasko mentioned that she has been updating our Facebook page.



11.0       New Business


11.1 NMRA Dues- No Dues were collected in 2020 and 2021 in response to the downturn caused by COVID 19. It was decided that with the planned Mine Rescue activities in 2022 and the support provided by NMRA in the way of trophies, donations, caps, stickers and mailings, etc., that we would solicit Member and Post dues in 2022 by regular mail and email. It was suggested by Dustin Mowery that we offer payment by PayPal and or Venmo. Our treasurer, Chris Melvin, will look into this and get back with a plan.


11.2  NMRA Traveling Trophies- Both need some work and need to be evaluated. Wes will contact CONSOL and Cinner who presently have these trophies.


11.3  HMRA- Holmes Mine Rescue officers for 2022 remain same as 2021:

                President- Jeff Kravitz

                Secretary- Vickie Mullens

                Treasurer- Richard West

                Assist. Treasurer- Lewis McCoy


11.4  MSHA- There is no Assistant Secretary as yet for MSHA. Current leadership includes:

              - Pat Silvey, Deputy Assist. Secretary for Operations

              - Jeannette Galanis, Acting Assist. Labor Secretary for MSHA

              - Nancy Rooney, Enforcement Administrator for MSHA


        11.5  Joseph A. Holmes Annual Meeting- The Holmes Annual Meeting was held in Florida in October. At this meeting it was announced that the Mine Rescue Persons of the Year are:

                          - Cindy Phillips of Jennmar

                          - Kenny Murray of Alliance Coal

Congratulations to Cindy and Kenny, both longtime devoted supporters of Mine Rescue.


       11.6  PCMIA- Joe Sbaffoni updated everyone on the recent PCMIA conference at Southpointe, PA. It was noted that the PCMIA History Book has been completed. Copies are available through the PCMIA.



11.7  NIOSH

          George Luxbacher is Acting Associate Director for Mining

          Dr. Stephen Sawyer has been selected as new Director Pittsburgh Mining Research Div.


11.8  Surface Mine Rescue – Jeff Kravitz advised that Holmes Mine Rescue, MSHA and other mine rescue persons are working on Surface Mine Rescue Rules. This being co-ordinated with Karen Miller Mining Program Manager, Tallahassee Community College. They hold a large Surface Contest each year in Florida. It was noted that there is also a large Surface Contest in the West, the Elko (NV) Safety Olympiad. It was suggested that we contact the Elko organizer, Jason Cooley, to determine if he is interested in participating in the rule making (775-397-1720 ). Wes will contact Jason.

     11.9   Nationals 2022- The Combined 2022 Coal/MNM National Contest is now tentatively set for week of 7 August in Lexington, KY. The  Venue still needs to be confirmed as does support from MSHA. At this point in time the new Combined Rules will be used but there have been discussions about having the Coal teams compete to Coal MR rules and MNM teams compete to MNM MR rules. Combined rules would be used for First Aid, Bench and Technical skills. A decision on all should be forthcoming soon.

   11.10  IMRC 2022- The International Mines Rescue Competition is tentatively set for 10-17 September at the MSHA Academy in Beckley. There will be 5 US Teams, Consol Bailey Mine, Sunrise Coal, MSHA Team, and 2 MNM teams to be determined by results of 2022 US Nationals. There are still some issues with the foreign teams regarding travel, the availability of the MSHA Academy as well as MSHA judges. Competition will involve Mine Rescue, Firefighting, First Aid, Angle Rope, MR Skills, Theory and Bench Technician.

12.0   NMRA 2022 Activities and Targets:

·       Attend and supply trophies for the Post contests.

·       Attend and Support the Nationals in Lexington.

·       Attend and support the IMRC Competition in Beckley.

·       Maintain contact with MSHA, States, HMRA, MR Posts/Associations and the teams as a conduit of communications.

·       Support Surface Rescue Teams.

·       Support the College Mine Rescue Teams


13.0     Next Meeting- Tentatively set for March. We will try an in-person/Zoom meeting.





14.0     Adjournment- Motion to adjourn was made, seconded and approved by voice vote.