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Morano Goes Debunking on Fox



January 13, 2024 - CFACT's Marc Morano is a uniquely talented climate and energy communicator.

Check our Marc debunking team climate's most treasured narratives on Stuart Varney:

Morano: "The hottest year on record is pretty much declared almost every year every other year. It's based on temperatures hundreds or tenths of a degree difference between years -- many times within the margin of error, the data set and even the NASA former head global warming scientist said it's 'not important' and a political statement.


It's meant to create fear, meant to push politics like EV mandates. And if you were actually worried about climate change, the last thing you would think of is EVs are the solution. It takes half a million pounds of materials, including rare earth materials to make one average-sized Tesla battery."

Morano on EVs: "EVs dig the Earth, and not on a groovy 1970s Brady Bunch way, Stuart. But I mean, they dig the earth deeply with lots of emissions, with low environmental standards, and we have farmed out all of that mining out to the countries with the worst human rights and environmental standards."

Morano on Electric School buses: "Mandating electric buses is not going to work, but the only thing electric buses will do is make Virtual Learning come back for students as they won't be able to get to school. And then once the EV buses collapse the electrical grid, Virtual Learning won't even exist because of blackouts. And California is very well known for their blackouts."

Stuart Varney: You're painting a very dark picture Marc Morano. Come back and do it again. We'll see you soon."

Solid facts, concise explanations and engaging humor.  Marc's got talent! 

Debunking false narratives is important work. 

CFACT teams up with our allies to produce monthly climate fact checks.  December's features exaggerated graphs, octopus DNA, Arizona tree rings, record China cold, elephant mortality, island sea levels and more.

Read the entire fact check at

Rupert Darwell is a first rate scholar CFACT has worked with for years.

Rupert just released a hard-hitting report entitled The Folly of Climate Leadership in which he details Europe's climate and energy mistakes and warns America to avoid the same traps.

We recommend you read Rupert Darwell's climate report as well.

Armor yourself with the facts.