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Coal Fact for the Day: Preparing the Finished Product



March 6, 2024 - West Virginia has more coal preparation plants and loading facilities than any other state in the country.



These 69 prep plants (sometimes referred to as “coal tipples”) process coal from the mines by separating out rock impurities that are extracted along with the coal during the mining process.  Prep plants can also refine coal by removing some impurities that are present in the actual coal seam.  Coal from different seams and different mines are blended at a prep plant to meet precise quality and heating conditions for specific coal customers.  Once the coal is processed and sized, it’s loaded into rail cars, barges, or trucks for delivery to the end use.  At two prep plants and mining complexes in West Virginia, the “finished” coal leaves the preparation plant on a conveyor belt that goes directly to the customer.

Our 69 preparation plants employ 1,566 West Virginia miners and account for $139 million in annual wages.