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Mining Sector Readies Push for New Federal Office



July 9, 2024 - Some of the nation’s biggest mining trade associations are planning to push Congress and the next occupant of the White House to create a new federal agency or entity to streamline permitting, regulation and boost research around mining.

The Biden administration doesn’t appear to be on board.

The National Mining Association and the American Exploration and Mining Association are meeting with lawmakers and laying the groundwork as part of a multifaceted initiative pushing for a mineral-focused entity — be it an agency or centralized office — within the federal government. Reuters first reported the effort.

Mining companies and industry groups have been increasingly warning that the U.S. lacks a cohesive strategy — and that more than a dozen federal agencies oversee parts of the mining permitting process and oversight. Democrats and environmental groups have countered that any overhaul must prioritize environmental justice and protection.