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EIA's Weekly Coal Production Report – July 25, 2024


July 25, 2024 - EIA has updated the Weekly Coal Production report for the week ending July 20, 2024.

  • Estimated U.S. coal production totaled about 9.6 million short tons (MMst)
  • This production estimate is 3.9% higher than last week's estimate and 10.7% lower than the production estimate in the comparable week in 2023
  • East of the Mississippi River coal production totaled 4.1 MMst
  • West of the Mississippi River coal production totaled 5.5 MMst
  • U.S. year-to-date coal production totaled 266 MMst, 17% lower than the comparable year-to-date coal production in 2023


?For more information, visit EIA’s website or email EIA.