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Bucyrus Offers Efficient Roof Bolters

Bucyrus offers three different roof bolter models for various mining conditions.  The LRB-15AR is a single-arm bolter recommended for ranges of 32 inches and above; the dual-arm RB2-52A for ranges of 42 inches and above; and the dual-arm RB2-88A for ranges of 54 inches and above.

Many customers prefer Bucyrus roof bolters because they have the ability to get to any space thanks to their compact and/or articulated chassis frames.  They get the job done quickly and efficiently while maintaining excellent availability and minimizing operating cost per ton.   Another advantage of Bucyrus RB2 dual-arm models is that they feature articulated steering which means lower tire usage compared to models using skid steer.

The LRB-15AR is a rigid-frame, single-arm skid steer machine with ATRS integrated into the boom.  It has a 40-hp electric motor with a 2-stage gear pump. When equipped with 26-inch tires, it provides 6 inches of ground clearance, 32 inches of tramming height and a 76-inch ATRS reach.  It complies with MSHA ATRS load certification with a capacity of 11,250 pounds, and features a 50-inch drill boom feed and 7,000 pounds of drill feed thrust.  The drill pot speed is able to be operated anywhere from 0-480 rpm.

Bucyrus dual-arm roof bolters feature hydraulically operated drill and boom functions, hydraulically driven planetary wheel motors with a free-wheeling feature, Automated Temporary Roof Support (ATRS), a 75-hp electric motor and four-stage gear pump, a vacuum blower driven dust collection system and fail-safe parking brakes.  Features unique to the Bucyrus RB2 series include a 4-wheel independent planetary drive and a horizontally and vertically articulated chassis frame which steers the machine and allows it to maneuver through vertical swells while helping to maintain traction by keeping all four tires on the ground.  This feature also allows the user to position the machine for faster crosscut bolting.

The RB2-52A meets MSHA ATRS load certification requirements,  and features a 52-inch drill boom feed, 10,000 pounds of drill feed thrust and a drill pot that can be operated at anywhere from 0-614 rpm.  When equipped with 32-inch tires, it provides 8 inches of ground clearance, 37 inches of tramming height and a 96-inch ATRS reach.

The RB2-88A, when equipped with 35-inch tires, provides the most ground clearance of the Bucyrus roof bolters, giving a total of 9.5 inches of ground clearance, 48 inches of tramming height and a 120-inch ATRS reach.  ATRS load certification is 33,750 pounds.  This model has an 88-inch drill boom feed, 10,000 pounds of drill feed thrust and a drill pot that is able to be operated at any speed between 0 and 614 rpm.